Welcome to the mindfreq.com FAQ. If you don’t see a helpful answer, feel free to contact us.
What exactly happens after ordering?
You will receive an email containing a link to download your purchase. Your download will be a .zip file containing the .mp3 audio track.
Additionally, if you signed up for a mindfreq account your purchase will be available in your My Account area.
Which payment methods are accepted in the Online Shop?
Payment can be made via Paypal which accepts your paypal account or credit card information (no paypal account required). It's easy.
What are mindfreq audio sessions used for?
mindfreq audio sessions are used by a variety of people, for a variety of reasons including:
- Relaxation
- Sleep
- Meditation
- Pain Relief
- Anxiety
- Stress
- Lucid Dreaming
- Self-esteem
- Extra Sensory Development
- Concentration
What Is Brainwave Entrainment?
Brainwave Entrainment is a scientifically researched and extensively studied technique to alter your brainwaves. Not everyone gets the immediate results they expect from brainwave entrainment. However stick with it long enough to see results and as your mind attunes to the audio your listening to, results becomes easy to achieve. As with anything, the best way to find out if brainwave stimulation will work for you is to try it. We know you'll love it!
Do I Need Headphones?
Headphones are strongly recommended for effective brainwave stimulation. Isochronic tones can be listened to without headphones but are not deemed as effective due to other noise distractions. Choose headphones that are comfortable for you.
Any Warnings To Understand?
Do not listen to mindfreq recordings while driving any sort of machinery or doing any task that requires you to be alert. Also anyone with a pacemaker or a condition that is prone to seizures should not use brainwave entrainment. It is not recommended to use Isochronic Tones with persons under adult age, without medical supervision.
Isochronic tones when used appropriately as above, are completely safe and beneficial for your wellbeing.